Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yeah.....I love ya.......

Growing up, I did not tell the boys I dated that I loved them. Just a couple and we were serious. I did not toss "I love you" around like "hello" and "goodbye". Because. Well. LOVE was really a word that represented strong emotion and ties to me. And I didn't LOVE everyone.

I am a people person or extrovert…. I have always found people to be amusing and felt great fondness for some others but loved very few. (outside of family obviously)

After a radical salvation come-to-Jesus encounter I realized one of the ways God really changed me was He put in me a love for other people that I just do not understand but it is real. It is irrational, lol. It makes no sense to really love people you really don’t know. But it's REAL. I didn't toss IloveYou around before I got saved because it would not have been real--it would've been fake and a gross overstatement. Now I say it to lots of people and laugh when I say it because it just fills me with a lot of joy to share the love God has put in me with others….. I cannot deny what I feel nor do I think it is something God would have me to keep inside.

My love for others (which I do realize is a gift from God) spills out of me in sometimes awkward ways and I really don’t seem to be able to do much about it, lol. So……If I say I love you to you please know that it’s real, not trite or just a convenient phrase that seems to be everywhere….And I may not even understand it myself, lol…But I DO understand that I MEAN it when I say it and hope you understand that too….



I love you. <3