Like me, Alyssa loves her job. She has been working at this theatre for just over a year and really could not believe that she was let go. She was in shock and terribly upset. Here is her story.
The manager called her into his office that morning after a staff meeting and let her know that he had to let her go due to her exceeding the number of write ups over a certain period of time. The write ups were over things like being short a couple of large soda cups when inventory said she should have had more or maybe her cash drawer being over or under. After a certain amt. of time they" time out" on her record and are discarded but hers came too close together. He was upset because he did not want to let her go but his hands were tied by corporate rules. She left and decided to "ride" her frustration and disappointment out on her bike for the afternoon. She had no idea that I was at Bay High so it was very much a Divine Appointment that she would roll through and find me there.
I hugged her and comforted her as best I could, then took her to lunch. We prayed together and left it in God's hands. I went back to Auxiliary Camp, she went to ride her bike some more.
Later that evening she received a call from her manager and things began to fall into place.
The manager was so troubled by having to let Alyssa go that he went back and rechecked every single write up against cash and stock balances for that day. On two of those, both by the same manager, the stock and cash drawers balanced perfectly, yet that particular manager wrote Alyssa up anyway for her drawer not balancing. He was fired not long after that so he was no longer available to ask about the discrepancies.
The past suddenly came into glaring focus for Alyssa. She began to recall the following.
*She was written up for those 2 shifts very early in her employment, and the manager had pulled her cash drawer, took it to the office, counted it and wrote her up. The very next shift a different manager pulled her cash drawer, then came running back out of the office and told Alyssa to immediately go count her drawer as she was not supposed to pull it til after the employee counted it. Alyssa mentioned that the other manager did not let her count it. The lady manager seemed surprised at this and told Alyssa to never let anyone, even a Mgr., pull her drawer without Alyssa counting it first. Alyssa was so new she didn't think anything about it, trusted the other manager that wrote her up as being honest and it never happened again.
*When this particular Mgr. was let go, he got a job at a place that a friend of Alyssa's worked at. When the friend asked the former Mgr. if he knew Alyssa he said some terribly derogatory things about Alyssa, telling the friend that he could not stand her. When this news got back to Alyssa she was surprised and confused, he had always been very nice to her face-to-face.
The Head Mgr. was relieved and glad to find those write ups to be false and asked Alyssa to come back if she still wanted the job. Of course she said yes.
What Alyssa learned from this:
She learned that God's favor is greater than all the verbal protests and pleadings she could have done for her job.
She learned that God is her champion and defender, she need only call on Him.
She learned that God is a God of justice and can see His justice all in this situation.
And most importantly, she could see that God moved on her behalf and ordained and orchestrated her steps that entire day. He sent her bike riding to the exact destination she need to be at to receive prayer and have her focus turned to Him, not her circumstances.
The Head Mgr. had no peace until he did deeper investigation. That's God! He also discovered that other write ups had expired but were not removed from her file. So Alyssa has a virtually clean slate and a tremendous testimony about her God. Go Alyssa and GO GOD!
"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers."
Proverbs 21:15 ESV
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